Wortham Primary School

Ofsted and Performance Data

There are lots of different places within the Ofsted website you can find information about Wortham Primary School.

Ofsted last inspected the school in July 2014.

We achieved 'Outstanding'.

The Ofsted reports can all be found on their website. Click here to go directly to Wortham School page.

The Government has a website where you can see our school results and compare Wortham with other schools, both in our area and nationally. Click here to find out more. 

Parent View is where parents and carers can give their opinion on their child's school and see other parents views.


Ofsted Parent View

Summary of 2021-2022 school performance data

Summary of 2018-2019 school performance data

Summary of 2017-2018 school performance data 

Summary of 2016-2017 school performance data

Summary of 2015-2016 school performance data